
What is a zine? A zine is a small, self-published booklet containing original or borrowed texts and images, typically made by one person or a small group. They’re often created using simple DIY methods like photocopying and hand-crafting. Zines cover a wide range of topics, from niche hobbies to social issues, and provide a platform for marginalized voices outside of mainstream media.

How do I make a zine? You’re in luck! You can learn right here at Ellijay Makerspace!

We will be hosting zine classes on Tuesday evenings in June and July of 2024 that will end with a Zine Showcase event where zine students can do live readings and sell their zines.

You do not need to enroll in all classes to attend. You are welcome to pick and choose classes that fit your interests and schedule.

You can sign up and learn more details about individual classes below.